Undead Assault: Reborn

Short instructions

UAR is a team game that more uses shoot&run tactics than action. This game requires a lot of patience. Main tasks are:
  • Survive
  • Complete objectives

To survive you have to do simple thing: don't play Rambo.
  • Most of the time it is much easier, safer and faster to run away and complete task than try to shoot every zombie you see.
  • Next thing you have to rememeber is that friendly fire always active. You can kill your teammates with bullets, rockets, grenades, explosives, abilities and even accidently. So, be careful. The whole game can be ruined with accident teamkill.
  • All equipment is destructable. You can destroy every sort of useful items with explosions or direct shooting. Be cautios.
  • Also, don't be greedy: first, you can't take everything; second, most of the equipment is class-restricted (ex.: you can't use Spec-Ops Kevlar Armor if you're not a ghost or scout, etc). Read item-boxes descriptions.
  • Instead of being greedy, bring all items that can be used by your team into the base (Thalim city or where you decided to camp)
  • Use hotkeys often (especially sprinting (Z+T) and jumping (Z+Q), see the key-list below)
  • Don't leave the game if you died. Medics can revive you, but sometimes you just need to wait for help a little.

Now, a little about the details.
  • Full game lasts about 1.5 hours. It has several chapters, each contains some number of objectives. Some objectives sre activating in random order, so each game can be different in its way.
  • At the beginning you can play as a Rifleman or a Medic. Remember: the Medic is weak in shooting, its job is to heal and revive.
  • For each game you get some portion of XP. You need it to unlock new classes and perks.
  • If you wish to leave the game, but planning to play in future - save your XP before leave (diskette icon above "Stop" command, see HUD section)
  • DON'T pick BIG RED BOXES up. Those contains equipment for vehicles (Walker, helicopter), you'll be overweighted if you do. the overweight is deadly.
  • Also you'll be overweighted if you have more than 15 active clips. If you have, just press Z+D to drop some clips to inventory
  • Sometime your weapon is getting jammed. If your character suddenly stopped shooting, but you have some active ammo in your pockets - press Z+A

Main hotkeys

Movement Weapons Common
Z + T sprint Z + A weapon unjamming Alt + S ping alive teammates
Z + Q jump Z + R weapon reloading Alt + D ping dead teammates
Z + E prone / Unprone Z + D drop clip Alt + LMB ping something / somebody / some position


1. Selected character information. 2. Inventory panel. 3. Active ammunition info: bullets and clips.
4. Command panel. 5. Additional tools: "Night Optical Device" and "Save XP". 6. Team-list (green panel: character alive; red: character is dead; gray: leaver).
7. Game info: difficulty, mods, chapter, infestation level. 8. Mission tiimers. 9. Additional panels: UI and HUD.
10. Objectives list (White - active, gray - completed, red - failed). 11. FireTeams button. 12. Minimap.

Class-restricted equipment

Class Item
Cavalry Scout
Javeline Gunner
Platoon Leader
Fire Support Specialist
Automatic Rifleman
M41 Saw
M241 MMG
M135 Minigun
Recoil Supressor
Combat Engineer
Phoenix Medic
Magnetic Stabilizier
Squad Designated Marksman IDMR-2
M92 Torrent
Flamethrower M79 Flamethrower
M142 Flamethrower - The Incinerater
Weight Reducer
Ghost ISM 17C
Cav. Scout
Spec-Ops Kevlar Armor
Prototype KW-27P The Liquifier
Alligator LK19
FP-500 Combat Walker
Dual Miniguns Hellfire
Recoil Supressor(Vehicle)
Aim Assist(Vehicle)
Shield Generator

About specializations


Common soldier armed with automatic rifles and grenades

Mission: mobs kiting, equipment looting, fire support.

XP required: EN:0 WO:0 CO:0

Combat Medic

Analgin intravenously, steroids and, finally, awl for the ass (to revive the fallen in battle) - this is what the given character manages. Weak as fighter, but is a very valuable member of the team

Mission: healing, reviving, boosting

XP required: EN:0 WO:0 CO:0

Automatic Rifleman

Semi-terminator with machinegun. Over-terminator with medic's steroids.

Mission: destruction of the enemy's masses and fire support

XP required: EN:1000 WO:1 CO:1


Red Hot Chili Pepper

Mission: destruction of the enemy's masses and fire support(literally)

XP required: EN:2600 WO:1 CO:1


Tactician, strategist and just loves to do dirty work by someone else's hands. Tender kicks can drive up to 4 local residents under his command.

Mission: city / camp defence, fire support

XP required: EN:3800 WO:1 CO:1

Cavalry Scout

Field scout.

Mission: scouting, target designaion, fire support

XP required: EN:5500 WO:1 CO:1

Squad Designated Marksman

Evil camper, shoots rarely, but accurately, far and powerful. Under steroids from the medic - hellish machine gun

Mission: fire support, hunting on big mobs

XP required: EN:11000 WO:- CO:-

Javelin Gunner

Rifleman with bazooka. His precious strikes can kill enemy massively. Or friends and their stuff.

Mission: fire support, destruction of the enemy's masses

XP required: EN:17000 WO:1 CO:1

Platoon Leader

Inspirer for others. In his presence, everyone shoots more accurately, sharper and better.

Mission: fire support, moral support

XP required: EN:3500 WO:- CO:-

Combat Engineer

Gathers all sorts of improvised materials, repairs military equipment, carries a portable missile system. An experienced mechanic can assemble a huge bomb.

Mission: help in defending the city, distracting and destruction of the enemy's masses

XP required: EN:25000 WO:8000 CO:1


The early prototype of the terminator, armed with a machine gun

Mission: fire support, destruction of the enemy's masses

XP required: EN:25000 WO:12000 CO:8000


Another cyborg, armed with a thrower of liquid plasma. Shoots slowly but powerfully. He is able to recharge his companions with energy.

Mission: fire support, destruction of the enemy's masses

XP required: EN:25000 WO:12000 CO:8000


"Make it quietly " - this is about this soldier. Can cause point hits ion gun.

Mission: scouting, pinpoint strikes, fire support

XP required: EN:25000 WO:- CO:-

Fire Support Specialist

The application of point and carpet bombing for cheap price. Interested? Please contact.

Mission: pinpoint strikes, fire support

XP required: EN:65000 WO:12000 CO:-


A rifleman with a grenade launcher, like a javeliner, can blow up both enemies and friends

Mission: fire support, destruction of the enemy's masses

XP required: EN:65000 WO:30000 CO:-


Daangerous, armed with plasmagun. Does not wear armor

Mission: fire support

XP required: EN:65000 WO:65000 CO:-

Phoenix Medic

Her presence makes the wounds of her comrades in arms to heal by themselves. An experienced phoenix medic have a life-giving awl that is already built into the ass and works automatically when needed

Mission: healing, reviving, boosting

XP required: EN:65000 WO:65000 CO:30000

FP-500 Combat Walker

A large almost humanoid robot, whose work - to bring good to the masses

Mission: city / camp defence, fire support

XP required: EN:- WO:90000 CO:-

Alligator LK19

Army fire support helicopter with the ability of tactical nuclear strikes

Mission: destruction of the enemy's masses and fire support

XP required: EN:130000 WO:- CO:-